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Children Praying

Christian Education




An archive of previous programs we've used at Gloria Dei can be found here.






January-April, 2025
A Book Study where we'll read and discuss

Jesus' Alternative Plan by Richard Rohr


These are the dates we'll discuss these sections of the book (so please read the section in advance)...

January 23 - introduction & Getting ready to hear Jesus (related video clip)

January 30 - Jesus’ New World Order (pp. 3-22)

February 6 - Not Business as Usual (pp..23-46) (related video clip)

February 13 - Finding the Jesus Who Preached the Sermon (pp.47-59)

(related video clip, another related video clip, synoptic gospels poster)

February 20 - Understanding the Social Order (pp. 60-80)

February 27 - Table Fellowship in The Christian Scripture (pp. 81-102)

March 6 - Understanding the Sermon & Joining Heaven and Earth (pp. 103-122)

(related sermon by Rohr)

March 13 - The Path of Transformation (pp. 123-136) (related clip)

March 20 - The “Happy Attitudes”: Salt and Light (pp. 137-155) (related clip)

March 27 - Bridges and Boundaries: Liberals and Conservatives (pp. 156-184) (related clip, and follow-up related clip)

April 3 - Epilogue [and general conversation] (pp.185-187)



We will gather Thursday mornings on Zoom (see our e-news for sign-in link) - the format will be

conversational, and questions are encouraged!







This is a two-year program on the basics of our Christian faith, through a Lutheran lens! Students usually begin the program in grade eight.
As we offer this program at Gloria Dei, we also connect with other Lutheran youth, and community groups, from time to time.






Sunday School lessons are offered during the Sunday morning worship service;

children from pre-school to grade seven are welcome and invited!


During the pandemic, we made some resources available online:

A playlist of videos is available here (each lesson is around 10 minutes long)

Some resources for downloading and using at home are available here.
A Palm Sunday resource available here.
A video about Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday, here.
A video about Good Friday and Easter, here.



While not Christian education, per se, this link will take you to some learning opportunities

from the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, which certainly have overlapping values with our faith!


Additional Resources for Christian Education

From the ELCA:
Troubling the Waters for Healing of the Church: A Journey for White Christians from Privilege to Partnership


From KAIROS Canada:
Blanket Exercise Resources


From ReconcilingWorks:

Reconciling In Christ Resources


From Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada:

Thursdays in Black Action Sheet




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