Online Devotions and Worship
A Library of Online Worship Materials
including video devotions and PDF resources
See this YouTube playlist for video from worship services at Gloria Dei.
2nd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
9th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
16th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
23rd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
3rd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
12th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
1st - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
8th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
15th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
22nd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
24th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
25th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
29th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
3rd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
10th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
17th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
24th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
6th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
13th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
20th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
27th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
1st - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
8th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
15th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
22nd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
29th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
4th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
11th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
18th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
25th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
7th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
14th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
21st - worship (video - St. Mark's Lutheran) readings and prayers (PDF)
28th - worship (video - Messiah Lutheran) readings and prayers (PDF)
1st - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
9th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
16th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
23rd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
30th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
5th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
12th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
19th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
26th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
7th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
14th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
21st - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
28th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
3rd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
10th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
17th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
24th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
29th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
31st - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
4th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
11th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
18th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
25th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
7th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
14th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
3rd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
10th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
17th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
24th (am) - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
24th (pm) - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
25th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
31st - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
5th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
12th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
19th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
26th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
1st - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
8th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
15th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
22nd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
29th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
3rd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
10th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
17th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
24th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
6th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
13th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
20th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
27th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
2nd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
9th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
16th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
23rd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
30th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
4th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
11th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
18th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
25th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
7th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
14th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
21st - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
28th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
2nd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
6th - Maundy Thursday (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
7th - Good Friday (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
9th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
16th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
23rd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
30th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
Mid-week Lenten readings (PDF)
1st - Wednesday Lenten Organ Service (video)
5th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
8th - Wednesday Lenten Organ Service (video)
12th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
15th - Wednesday Lenten Organ Service (video)
19th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
22nd - Wednesday Lenten Organ Service (video)
26th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
29th - Wednesday Lenten Organ Service (video)
5th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
12th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF) ELCIC Global Missions info-sheet (PDF)
19th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
22nd - Ash Wed worship (video/no audio) reflections (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
26th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
Lenten Bible Study (ELCIC Diaconal Stories of faith PDF)
Daily Devotional for Lent from Luther Seminary (PDF)
1st - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
6th - Epiphany (Chalking the Door rite PDF)
8th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
15th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
22nd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
Christian Unity devotional resource (PDF)
4th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
11th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
18th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
24th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
25th - Christmas Day worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
6th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
13th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
20th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
27th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
2nd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
9th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
16th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF) bulletin insert (PDF)
23rd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
30th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
4th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
11th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
18th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
25th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
7th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
14th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
21st - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
28th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
3rd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
10th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
17th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
24th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
31st - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
5th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
12th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
19th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF) WRD insert from CLWR (PDF)
26th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
1st - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
8th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
15th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
22nd - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
29th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
3rd - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
6th - Holden Evening Prayer (video)
10th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
14th - Maundy Thursday worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
15th - Good Friday worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
16th - Easter Vigil MNO online worship (video)
17th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
24th - worship (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
mid-week readings for Lent (PDF)
1st - Mardi Gras Virtual Concert (video)
2nd - Ash Wednesday service (video) readings and prayers (PDF)​
6th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
9th - Holden Evening Prayer (video)
13th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
20th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
23rd - Holden Evening Prayer (video)
27th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
6th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) Global Missions insert (PDF)
13th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
20th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
27th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
2nd - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
9th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
16th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
23rd - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity resource (PDF)
5th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) bulletin (PDF)
12th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) bulletin (PDF)
19th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) bulletin (PDF)
24th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) carol service bulletin (PDF)
25th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
26th - devotion (St Mark's video) readings and prayers (PDF)
7th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) colouring page of saints (PDF)
14th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) For The Healing of the Nations song PDF video
21st - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
28th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) bulletin (PDF)
3rd - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
10th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
17th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
24th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
31st - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) colouring page of Luther's seal (PDF)
5th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
12th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
19th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
26th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
1st - Sunday devotion (St Mark's video) readings and prayers (PDF)
8th - Sunday devotion (St Mark's video) readings and prayers (PDF)
15th - Sunday devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
22nd - Sunday devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
29th - Sunday devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
4th - Sunday devotion (Faith video) readings and prayers (PDF)
11th - Sunday devotion (Faith video) readings and prayers (PDF)
18th - Sunday devotion (Epiphany video) readings and prayers (PDF)
25th - Sunday devotion (Epiphany video) readings and prayers (PDF)
6th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
13th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
20th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) World Refugee Day insert (PDF)
27th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
2nd - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
9th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
16th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
23rd - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
30th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
1st - Maundy Thursday devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) liturgy (PDF) children's program (video)
2nd - Good Friday devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) children's program (video)
3rd - Easter Vigil Exsultet song Joint MNO service (video)
4th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) chidren's program (video) online Eucharist (PDF) Easter hymns (PDF)
11th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
18th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
25th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
3rd - Wednesday devotion (video)
7th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) children's lesson (video)
10th - Wednesday devotion (video)
14th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) children's lesson (video)
17th - Wednesday devotion (video)
21st - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) children's lesson (video)
24th - Wednesday devotion (video)
28th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
7th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
Global Missions ELCIC brochure (PDF) Global Missions ELCIC insert (PDF)
14th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
16th - Mardi Gras Virtual Concert (video)
17th - Ash Wednesday (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
- Mid-week Lenten Service of the Word (PDF)
Weekly readings (PDF)
Music from Taize (PDF)
21st - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) children's lesson (video)
24th - Wednesday devotion (video)
28th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) children's lesson (video)
3rd - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
6th - Epiphany devotion (video) colouring page (PDF) Chalking of the door home blessing (PDF)
10th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
17th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
18th - Christian Unity youth bulletin (PDF) Daily Bible Study (PDF)
24th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
31st - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
6th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) Sunday School (video) online Eucharist (PDF)
13th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) Sunday School (video)
20th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) Sunday School (video)
24th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) Zoom carols (PDF)
25th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF)
27th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF) New Year's colouring page for youth (PDF)
1st - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
8th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
15th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
22nd - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
29th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) Sunday School (video)
4th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
11th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF) World Food Day youth bulletin (PDF)
18th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
25th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
6th - devotion (video) readings & prayers (PDF) online Eucharist (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
13th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
20th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
27th - devotion (video) readings and prayers (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
JULY & AUGUST (shared services)
July 5 - Sunday devotion (St Mark's video) Online Eucharist (PDF)
July 12 - Sunday devotion (St Mark's video)
July 19 - Sunday devotion (St Mark's video)
July 26 - Sunday devotion (Epiphany's video) order of service (PDF)
August 2 - Sunday devotion (Epiphany's video) order of service (PDF)
August 9 - Sunday devotion (Epiphany's video) order of service (PDF)
August 16 - Sunday devotion (video)
August 23 - Sunday devotion (video)
August 30 - Sunday devotion (video) readings & prayers (PDF)
June 7 - Sunday devotion (video) images of the Trinity (PDF)
June 14 - Sunday devotion (video)
June 21 - Sunday devotion (video)
June 28 - Sunday devotion (video) children's song "Discipleship" (PDF)
May 3 - Sunday devotion (video) Online Eucharist service-order (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF)
May 10 - Sunday devotion (video) youth bulletin (PDF)
May 17 - Sunday devotion (video) youth bulletin (PDF)
May 24 - Sunday devotion (video) youth bulletin (PDF)
May 31 - Sunday devotion (video) youth bulletin (PDF) Anglican/Lutheran together for Pentecost
April 5 - devotion (video) prayers (PDF) colouring pages (PDF) youth bulletin (PDF) Palm pattern (PDF)
April 9 - Agape feast (PDF) songs (PDF)
Maundy Thursday devotion (video)
April 10 - Good Friday devotion (video)
April 11 - Easter Vigil devotion (video)
April 12 - Sunday devotion (video) children's activity (PDF) Message from Bp Jason (PDF)
April 19 - Sunday devotion (video) children's activity (PDF)
April 26 - Sunday devotion (video) youth bulletin (pdf)
March 18 - mid-week Lenten service (video)
March 22 - Sunday devotion (video)
March 24 - mid-week reflection (video)
March 25 - musical selection (video)
March 29 - Sunday devotion (video) prayers (PDF)