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Pastor Tyler

Ride for Refuge 2020

This fall, I will be joining thousands of other riders, walkers, and volunteers across Canada in the Ride for Refuge.

On October 3, 2020, or then about, I'm fundraising in the Ride for Refuge to call attention to The Lutheran Urban Ministry, AKA "The Urban," a ministry of presence that expresses God’s grace to inner city residents in Winnipeg. And although it only takes a few hours of my time, I know it will make a difference. By participating in the RIDE, I'm speaking for people who have little or no voice and who often get left behind or ignored. And by fundraising, I'm supporting a charity -the Urban- who is bringing hope and refuge to those same people.

Click here for information about The Urban.

I plan to ride a route of at least 50 km, maybe more! Due to COVID-19 there is no set meeting place and no set riding routes, not even a set riding date. Riders will ride where they are on the route of their choice. Stay tuned, I'll announce my route when it's finalized, and what day I actually ride.

Thanks for supporting me! #ride20

I'm excited to be involved, and I need passionate people like you to help! Will you be one of the donors to help me reach my fundraising goal? To make a secure online donation in support of my efforts, please click on this link.

Your support is greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Jett Isleifson

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